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Play our new single "Maybe we'll riot' here

*NEW DEMO FROM YUCA* - Walking through the fire 1 minute clip

I get asked all the time what writing a new song is like? In all honesty, I have no idea where the songs come from? Since as far back as I can remember I have always heard melodies, progressions, guitar licks, beats and more in my mind. I am always singing, always thinking and always recording demos of all these ideas. Some are little snippets like a chorus or verse and other times it’s the full song all in one shot.

I have used the analogy before that writing music for me is like standing under a shower head. When you hear the music in your heart and soul - the water starts to flow. As you let the water flow and absorb you the flow turns into a river and all of a sudden I am lost in the song and find myself standing under a waterfall of inspiration. It’s extremely addicting and a bigger high than any drug I’ve ever taken and makes me never want to leave that place – so I rarely do.

People have said “That must be amazing to have that gift” and I feel VERY, VERY blessed. But at the same time I have thought…. I rarely sleep because I can’t shut the waterfall off, I hear music fact I’ll be in a dead sleep and will be awoken by my mind sharing a new melody with me. When I am writing I am so zoned in on what’s happening that I am deaf to the world around me – this is why I rarely take a guitar on vacations or pick up friends guitars when we are over. It’s like people on their phones when you’ve invited them for dinner or drinks – be present with the people that are there lol. I feel very blessed though that the music comes easily, naturally and I don’t ever have to force myself to write music. I am extremely grateful for that.

So here’s my secret to writing music “Melody is king!” I am all about the melody. I have always loved bands like the Beatles and Radiohead cause I could sing the simplistic melodies with them. I am attracted to melodies and what they do to me.

So here’s the deal - I have been asked if I would film what the process is like to write a song with me and if that’s something you’re interested tweet me, Facebook me and let me know. If there’s enough interest I’ll film writing a new song so you can be a part of the process with me.

In the meantime, here is a sneak peak at a brand new song called “Walking through the fire”. It’s a 1min clip of a new YUCA demo – AND YOU ARE THE FIRST TO HEAR IT!

Let me know what you think. Listen here:




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New Alternative Indie Rock Band YUCA
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