“Rebuilding the Fallen Empire makes a serious statement of arrival, and this band isn’t messing around with experimental tunes and...
Rebuilding the fallen empire CD Release Party for our Hometown!
This is it! Our Album Release Party for our home town :) A few months back, we toured Japan where we had our international release of...
"The Dawn of a new day"
Japan Blog Post 2 I woke up on Oct 11th after little sleep but I didn’t mind, I knew what the day meant. It was the dawn of a new day for...
Podcast for Peace Features "Maybe we'll riot"
Podcast for Peace has featured our single "Maybe we'll riot" on their most recent Podcast "New Moon in Scorpio 2013 (Eclipse) #409. You...
Middle Tennessee Music Review: YUCA is Rebuilding The Fallen Empire
YUCA have performed over 375 shows over the past 5 years earning them international attention as well as plenty of awards and...
Along the Journey: Review: YUCA - Rebuilding the Fallen Empire
Today’s musical landscape stands in current need of an injection of passion and energy. While there are plenty of fine bands and great...
Rocktoberfest 2013
YUCA is absolutley proud and honored to be asked to perform at this years "Rocktoberfest" held in Okinawa Japan. Three days of music,...
YUCA - Rebuilding the fallen empire CD Release Tour to Japan!
We are pumped to announce our international release of our latest album - Rebuilding The Fallen Empire!!! We are in Okinawa Japan to...
After much blood, sweat and tears - I am so proud to announce that our new album "Rebuilding the fallen empire" is officially released....
New album release date 10.11.13
We have exciting news! YUCA will be releasing their first album after being signed with Rising Empire Records - Get a copy of YUCA's...